Mantra (CD)

159,00 kr.

Flerstemmig harmonisk sang med det budhistiske/hinduistiske mantra: “Om Mani Padme Hum”. Særlig velegnet til transformation, fordybelse og meditation.

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Customer Reviews

”En lise for sjælen. Skønsang på højt niveau. Det er Jane Winthers erklærede mål at forene musik og omsorg. Jeg synes det er lykkes godt på denne “Mantra”, hvor musikken smyger sig vederkvægende om sjælen. (eller hvor det nu er ) Musikken skaber indre ro og glæde. Musklerne giver slip og man løftes.
Jeg tror Cd’en egner sig til meditativ fordybelse – bedre end mange ”standard New Age” udgivelser, som ofte er musikalsk overfladiske. Her er der musikalsk dybde.”

SUCH amazing music!!! Great for meditation.
by Peace@heart

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this album. I cannot say enough about it and I have recommended it to all of my friends. It is so great for meditation, for background music, for clearing away any negativity or for singing outloud to it. Each of the songs has it’s own unique voice and character and each are beautiful and brilliant. The voices not only do not distract you when you are meditating, but they pull you in deeper and in a more relaxed state of mind and body. I am so blessed to have found this music. I thank you, Jane, and your other beautiful artists who made this, and cannot wait to hear more from you! Much love to you all!


Extraordinary CD. Every song is gorgeous and uplifting. I could play this for hours and never tire of it. In fact, I have done just that since purchasing it! If you are looking for something to transport you to a kinder, gentler place…..this is it. Heaven in seven tracks.

Mantra by jane Winther

Mesmerizing,it transports you on a journey to nowhere. You just let yourself be carried along,softly,willingly.

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